Конспект открытого занятия по программе «Активный английский», 1 год обучения

Автор: Светлана Алексеевна Бакова
Место работы: МАОУДО «Центр детского творчества»
Должность: педагог дополнительного образования

Тема: «Виды спорта. Здоровый образ жизни».

Тип занятия: Изучение нового материала. Занятие комплексного применения знаний и способов деятельности.

Форма занятия: практическая, самостоятельная работа.

Методы обучения: словесный (сообщение педагога, беседа), наглядный, практический.

Формы обучения:фронтальная, групповая, индивидуальная.

Цель занятия: развитие умения работать коллективно и самостоятельно, совершенствование лексических навыков и расширение лексического запаса обучающихся.



— активизировать лексику по теме «Виды спорта. Здоровый образ жизни» в серии речевых упражнений;

— обучать и тренировать в использовании полученных знаний в различных видах речевой деятельности;

— ознакомить с грамматическим материалом «Cant».


— способствовать развитию интеллектуальных способностей обучающихся;

— способствовать развитию эмоциональной, мотивационной сферы личности обучающихся.


— продолжить формирование уважительного отношения к иностранному языку;

— расширять кругозор обучающихся;

— создавать положительную мотивацию к изучению английского языка.

Наглядный, раздаточный материал:

  • Презентация «Спорт»;

  • Электронный иллюстративный и текстовый материал;

  • Карточки «Виды спорта»;

  • Музыкальное сопровождение.

Техническое оснащение, необходимое для проведения занятия:

Ноутбук – 1 штука

Проектор – 1 штука

Экран – 1 штука

Доска магнитно-маркерная – 1 штука

Ход занятия:

Подготовительный этап занятия

1. Организационный момент. Приветствие:

T: Good morning, girls and boys!

Ch: Good morning!

T:What date is it today?

Ch:It’s the 20th of March.

T:What day is it today?

Ch:It’s Friday.

T:What season is it now?

Ch: its spring.

2. Определение цели и задач занятия:

T: It’s time to start our lesson but first of all look at the walls around yourselves, please. You can see some letters. How do you think, what do they mean? Can you make the word using these letters? (на стенах беспорядочно приклеены заглавные буквы R, S,O, P, T)


T: Right you are. And the theme of our lesson is …?


T: Sport and healthy lifestyle

3. Фонетическая разминка.

T: Repeat after me, please:

[k] – can, can’t, hockey.

[s] – sport, ski, skate.

[h] –healthy, have, hands.

Thank you.

Основная часть занятия.

4. Говорение.

T:Answer my question, please. Do you like sport?

Ch: Yes, I do/ No, I don’t.

T: Today we’re going to talk about sport and healthy way of life. But we shall have an unusual lesson. It will be a competition. Let’s divide into two groups. We will play different games, compete and discuss the ideas about a healthy way of life. At the end of the game we shall count our scores and find who is the winner. Be friendly, creative and hardworking.

So, it’s time to begin our competition. Let’s start it with the first exercise.

ЗАДАНИЕ №1. Расшифровать пословицу

T: Now I want you to look at the screen. You can see some numbers there. Your task is to read the proverb using the code. The team who will be the first get one score.

(на экране зашифрована пословица: 1. 9.14. 1.

Ch: A sound mind in a sound body

T: That’s right. Translate it, please.

Ch: В здоровом теле здоровый дух.

ЗАДАНИЕ №2. Составь слово.

T: The second game is “find the words”. You can see the parts of the words on your desks. You should make up the words on the topic “Sport”. You will have five minutes to finish your task.

Key: athlete, sports, football, running, volleyball, hockey, jumping, swimming, roller-skate, dance.

ЗАДАНИЕ №3. Отгадать игру/вид спорта

T: The next task is to guess the game. There is a card on each table. Take them please. Read the description of the sport and name them.

Card 1. This game is played by two teams. There are six players in each team. They can skate. They play a game on an ice field.

Card 2. It is a team game. Two teams can hit large ball with their hands over a high net. The ball is not allowed to bounce on the ground.

Card 3. It is a racket sport. You can play it individually against a single opponent or in pairs. The aim of the game is to strike a ball in such a way that the opponent can’t strike it in return.

Card 4. This game is played by two teams. There are 11 players in each team. They can kick a black and white ball with their feet.

Key: 1 – hockey; 2 – volleyball; 3 – tennis; 4 – football.

5. Повторение модального глагола «can»

T.: Глагол can – модальный глагол, который переводится могу, умею. После глагола can употребляется смысловой глагол без частицы to.

I can

You can

He can

She can

We can

They can

Can I?

Can you?

Can he?

Can she?

Can we?

Can they?

ЗАДАНИЕ №4. Выполнение упражнений на применение модального глагола “can”.

Т: Can you run? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you swim? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you dance? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you roller – skate? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you ride a bike? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you skate? Р: Yes, I can.

T: Can you play chess? Yes, I can.

6. Физкультминутка.

Песня «I can run»

I can run, I can run,

I can run and run and I’m having lots of fun.

I can run, I can run.

Can you?

I can jump, I can jump,

I can jump and run and I’m having lots of fun.

I can jump, I can jump.

Can you?

I can swim, I can swim,

I can swim and run and I’m having lots of fun.

I can swim, I can swim.

Can you?

I can hop, I can hop,

I can hop and run and I’m having lots of fun.

I can hop, I can hop.

Can you?

I can skip, I can skip,

I can skip and run and I’m having lots of fun.

I can skip, I can skip.

Can you?

Объяснение нового грамматического материала“I can not = cantYou cannot = cant

He cannot=can’t

She cannot=can’t

We cannot=can’t

You cannot=can’t

They cannot=cant

ЗАДАНИЕ №5.Выполнение упражнений на применение модального глагола “can’t

T.: Make the negative sentences.

ЗАДАНИЕ №6. Покажи слово.

T:The next task is to show the words. There are some cards on my table. You should come to me and take the cards one by one. You can see the names of different sports. Show these words by means of mimicry and gesture (football, box, swimming, hockey, chess, tennis, skiing, skating, riding a horse, riding a bike, volleyball, basketball)

(Дополнительно) Задать вопрос и ответить на него (работа в парах) .

P1.: What’s the English for “хоккей”?


P1.: Thank you.

7. Рефлексия.

T.: Now it’s time to count your scores. Let’s count how many apples each team has got. (The winner of our competition is friendship!)

Now I want you to reflect if you liked the lesson and what you liked best of all. Take a red apple if you liked our lesson and understood everything. Take a green apple if it was difficult for you to speak English and you didn’t understand anything.

8. Подведение итогов занятия.

T.: Thank you for your work today. Goodbye!